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E. Yom-Tov (2016) "Crowdsourced Health: How What You Do on the Internet Will Improve Medicine, MIT Press.

M. Lalmas, H. O'Brien, and E. Yom-Tov (2014) "Measuring user engagement", Morgan and Claypool.

D. Carmel and E. Yom-Tov (2010) "Estimating the Query Difficulty for Information Retrieval", Morgan and Claypool.

D.G. Stork and E. Yom-Tov (2004) "Computer Manual to accompany Pattern Classification", Wiley.

Chapters in books

E. Yom-Tov (2007) "A distributed sequential solver for large scale SVMs" In: O. Chapelle, D. DeCoste, J. Weston, L. Bottou Large scale kernel machines MIT Press: 141-156

E. Yom-Tov (2005) "Signals and Systems" In: M.D. Binder, N. Hirokawa, U. Windhorst Encyclopedic reference of Neuroscience. Springer.

E. Yom-Tov (2004) "An introduction to Pattern Classification" In: O. Bousquet, U. von Luxburg and G. Ratsch Advanced Lectures on Machine Learning. LNAI 3176, Springer

G.F. Inbar and E. Yom-Tov (2000) "Estimation of Motor Task Effects on Adaptation and Learning from Recorded Single Movement Related Brain Potentials", In: "Sensorimotor Control", R. Dengler, A. Kossev, eds., NATO series Life Science and Technology, Series 1: Life and Behavioural Sciences 326: 195-202.

Reviewed articles


E. Yom-Tov, L. Levontin (2025) ``The in-situ effect of offensive ads on search engine users" Accepted for publication in ACM Transactions on Information Services


Y. Ophir, Y. A. Hamburger, A. Brunstein-Klomek, Y. Levi-Belz, G. Hadlaczky, E. Yom-Tov, G. Zalsman (2024) ``The ethics of suicide research online: A consensual protocol for crowdsourcing-based studies on suicide" Humanities and Social Sciences Communications: 11: 92

J.F. Barcroft, E. Yom-Tov, V. Lampos, L. Burney-Ellis, D. Guzman, V. Ponce-Lopez, T. Bourne, I.J. Cox, S. Saso (2024) ``Using online search activity for earlier detection of gynaecological malignancy" BMC Public Health: 24, 608

J.C. Lauffenburger, E. Yom-Tov, P.A. Keller, M.E. McDonnell, K.L. Crum, G. Bhatkhande, E.S. Sears, K. Hanken, L.G. Bessette, C.P. Fontanet, N. Haff, S. Vine, N.K. Choudhry (2024) ``The impact of using reinforcement learning to personalize communication on medication adherence: Findings from the REINFORCE trial" NPJ Digital Medicine: 7: 39

D. Lekkas, E. Yom-Tov, M.V. Heinz, J. Gyorda, T. Nguyen, P.J. Barr, N.C. Jacobson (2024) ``The Trajectories of Online Mental Health Information Seeking: Modeling Search Behavior Before and After Completion of Self-report Screens Computers in Human Behavior" Computers in Human Behavior:157: 108267

A. Dhiman, T. House, L. Pellis, M. Edelstein, A. Hayward, D. Guzman, T. Finnie, V. Lampos, E. Yom-Tov, I.J. Cox (2024) ``Estimating the household secondary attack rate and serial interval of COVID-19 using social media" NPJ Digital Health: 7: 194

M.V. Heinz, E. Yom-Tov, D.M. Mackin, R. Matsumura, N.C. Jacobson (2024) ``A Large-Scale Observational Comparison of Antidepressants and their Effects" Journal of Psychiatric Research: 178: 219-224

M. Fritz, M. Grimm, I. Weber, E. Yom-Tov, B. Praditya (2024) ``Can social media encourage diabetes self-screenings? A randomized controlled trial with Indonesian Facebook users" NPJ Digital Health: 7: 245

A. Aguilera, A.M. Arevalo, J. Xu, B. Chakraborty, C. Figueroa, F. Garcia, K. Rosales, R. Hernandez-Ramos, C. Karr, J. Williams, L. Ochoa-Frongia, U. Sarkar, E. Yom-Tov, C. Lyles (2024) ``Effectiveness of a Digital Health Intervention Leveraging Reinforcement Learning to Increase Daily Steps Among Adults with Diabetes and Depression: Results from the DIAMANTE Randomized Clinical trial" Journal of Medical Internet Research: 26:e60834

U. Fennig, E. Yom-Tov, L. Savitsky, J. Nissan, K. Altman, R. Loebenstein, M. Boxer, N. Weinberg, S. Guly Gofrit, N. Maggio (2024) ``Bridging the Conversational Gap in Epilepsy: Using Large Language Models to Reveal Insights into Patient Behavior and Concerns from Online Discussions" Epilepsia


E. Yom-Tov, D. Lekkas, M. V. Heinz, T. Nguyen, P. J. Barr, N. C. Jacobson (2022) ``Digitally Filling the Access Gap in Mental Health Care: An Investigation of the Association between Rurality and Online Engagement with Validated Self-report Screens across the United States" Journal of Psychiatric Research: 157: 112-118

A. Reiter, E. Yom-Tov, I. Hochberg (2023) ``Do patients read emails from their physician containing tips on improving lifestyle habits? A pilot study" International Journal of Medical Informatics: 170: 104967

I. Hochberg, E. Yom-Tov (2023) ``A large-scale observational analysis of social media data reveals major public misperception of the attainability of drastic weight loss by dieting" Obesity Facts: 16(2): 141–148

T. Rashi, E. Yom-Tov (2023) ``Ethics of Medical Archival Internet Research Data" Journal of Medical Internet Research: 25:e43754

B.J. Gilbert, C. Lu, E. Yom-Tov (2023) ``Tracking population-level anxiety using search engine data: An ecological study" JMIR Formative Research: 7:e44055

E. Yom-Tov, I. Navar, E. Fraenkel, J.D. Berry (2023) ``Identifying amyotrophic lateral sclerosis through interactions with an internet search engine" Muscle and Nerve:69(1): 40-47

N. Haff, S.K. Sreedhara, W. Wood, E. Yom-Tov, D.M. Horn, M. Hoover, G. Low, J.C. Lauffenburger, A. Chaitoff, M. Russo, K. Hanken, K.L. Crum, C.P. Fontanet, N.K. Choudhry (2023) ``Testing interventions to reduce clinical inertia in the treatment of hypertension: Rationale and design of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial" American Heart Journal: 268: 18-28


U. Nguemdjo, Y. Hswen, B. Ventelou, E. Yom-Tov (2021) ``Economics of attention: The gender-based Bing communication study on depression" SSM Population Health : 17:100993

Y. Hswen, E. Yom-Tov, V. Murti, N. Narsing, S. Prasad, G.W. Rutherford, K. Bibbins-Domingo (2022) ``COVIDseeker: A Geospatial Temporal Surveillance Tool" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: 19(3): 1410

B. Youngmann, E. Yom-Tov (2022) ``Intimate Partner Violence As Reflected in Internet Search Data" Social Science Computer Review: 41(5): 1546-1561

E. Yom-Tov, V. Lampos, T. Inns, I.J. Cox, M. Edelstein (2022) ``Providing early indication of regional anomalies in COVID-19 case counts in England using search engine queries" Scientific Reports: 12: 2373

E. Yom-Tov, L. Abroms (2022) ``The role of Information Boxes in Search Engine Results for Symptom Searches: Analysis of Archival Data" JMIR Infodemioloy : 2(2):e37286

Y. Hswen, U. Nguemdjo, E. Yom-Tom, G.M. Marcus, B. Ventelou (2022) ``Individual willingness to provide geospatial global positioning system (GPS) data from their smartphone during the COVID-19 pandemic" Humanities and Social Sciences Communications: 9:336

E. Yom-Tov, Y. Ofran (2022) ``Implementation of data protection laws in the European Union and in California is associated with a move of clinical trials to countries with fewer data protections" Frontiers of Medicine: 9:1051025

M. Cohen Zion, I. Gescheit, N. Levy, E. Yom-Tov (2022) ``Identifying sleep disorders from search engine activity: Combining user-generated data with a clinically-validated questionnaire" Journal of Medical Internet Research: 24(11):e41288

H. D. Ravkin, E. Yom-Tov, L. Nesher (2022) ``The effect of non-pharmaceutical interventions implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic on seasonal Respiratory Syncytial Virus: Analysis of Google Trends data" Journal of Medical Internet Research: 24(12):e42781


M. Krupenkin, D. Rothschild, E. Yom-Tov (2021) ``Vaccine advertising: Preach to the converted or to the unaware?" NPJ Digital Medicine: 4(23)

V. Lampos, M.S. Majumder, E. Yom-Tov, M. Edelstein, S. Moura, Y. Hamada, M.X. Rangaka, R.A. McKendry, I.J. Cox (2021) ``Tracking COVID-19 using online search" NPJ Digital Medicine: 4(17)

D. Leon, E. Yom-Tov, A. Johnson, M. Petticrew, E. Williamson, V. Lampos, I.J. Cox (2021) ``What online searches tell us about public interest and potential impact on behaviour in response to Minimum Unit Pricing of alcohol in Scotland" Addiction: 116(8): 2008-2015

A. Tolosa-Kline, E. Yom-Tov, C. Hoffman, C. Walker-Baban, F. Lewis (2021) ``Trojan horse: An analysis of targeted advertising to reduce sexually transmitted diseases among YMSM" Health Education and Behavior: 48(5): 637-650

B. Youngmann, E. Yom-Tov, R. Gilad-Bachrach, D. Karmon (2021) ``Algorithmic Copywriting: Automated Generation of Health-Related Advertisements to Improve Their Performance" Information Retrieval Journal 24:205-239

J.C. Lauffenburger, R.A. Barlev, E.S. Sears, P.A. Keller, M.E. McDonnell, E. Yom-Tov, C.P. Fontanet, K. Hanken, N. Haff, N.K. Choudhry (2021) ``Preferences for mobile health technology and text messaging communication in patients with type 2 diabetes: A qualitative interview study" Journal of Medical Internet Research: 23(6):e25958

S. Shaklai, R. Gilad-Bachrach, E. Yom-Tov, N. Stern (2021) ``Detecting impending stroke from cognitive traits evident in internet searches: Analysis of archival data" Journal of Medical Internet Research: 23(5):e27084

Y. Louzon, E. Yom-Tov, N. Levy, A. Rubin, L. Muchnik (2021) ``Initial growth rates of epidemics fail to predict their reach" Scientific Reports: 11: 11750

E. Yom-Tov, D. Lekkas, N.C. Jacobson (2021) ``Association of COVID19-induced Anosmia and Ageusia with Depression and Suicidal Ideation" Journal of Affective Disorders Reports: 5: 100156

E. Yechiam, E. Yom-Tov (2021) ``Unique Internet search strategies of individuals with self-stated autism" Journal of Medical Internet Research: 23(7):e23829

Y. Hswen, E. Yom-Tov (2021) ``Analysis of a vaping-associated lung injury outbreak through participatory surveillance and archival internet data" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: 18(15): 8203

M. Peleg, A. Reichman, S. Shachar, T. Gadot, M. Avgil Tsadok, M. Azaria, O. Dunkelman, S. Hassid, D. Partem, M. Shmailov, E. Yom-Tov, R. Cohen (2021) ``Collaboration between Government and Research Community to Respond to COVID-19: Israel’s Case" Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity: 7(4), 208

D. Carmel, L. Lewin-Eytan, E. Yom-Tov, E. Agichtein, E. Gabrilovich (2021) ``WSDM’21: The 14th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining", ACM SIGWEB Newsletter: 1-3

J.C. Lauffenburger, E. Yom-Tov, P.A. Keller, M.E. McDonnell, L.G. Bessette, C.P. Fontanet, E.S. Sears, E. Kim, K. Hanken, J.J. Buckley, R.A. Barlev, N. Haff, N.K. Choudhry (2021) ``REinforcement learning to Improve Non-adherence For diabetes treatments by Optimizing Response and Customizing Engagement (REINFORCE): study protocol of a pragmatic randomized trial" BMJ Open: 11:e052091

E. Yom-Tov (2021) ``Active syndromic surveillance of COVID-19 in Israel" Scientific Reports: 11:24449


S. Schueller, D. Steakley-Freeman, D. Mohr, E. Yom-Tov (2020) "Understanding perceived barriers to treatment from web browsing behavior" Journal of Affective Disorders 267(15): 63-66

A. Baram-Tsabari, A.J. Sharon, E. Yom-Tov (2020) "Vaccine Information Seeking on Social Q and A Services" Vaccine 38: 2691-2699

R. Ackerman, E. Yom-Tov, I. Torgovitsky (2020) "Using Confidence and Consensuality to Predict Time Invested in Problem Solving and in Real-life Web Searching" Cognition 199: 104248

K. Mazuz, E. Yom-Tov (2020) "Analyzing trends of loneliness through large-scale analysis of social media postings: Observational study" JMIR Mental Health: 7(4):e17188

I. Seroussi, N. Levy, E. Yom-Tov (2020) "Multi-Season Analysis Reveals the Spatial Structure of Disease Spread" Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications: 547: 124425

I. Hochberg, R. Allon, E. Yom-Tov (2020) ``On the frequency of online searches for symptoms prior to diagnosis: Analysis of Internet Search Engine Data" Journal of Medical Internet Research: 22(3):e15065

E. Yom-Tov (2020) ``Screening for cancer using a learning Internet advertising system" ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare: 1(2): 10

A. Budenz, M. Yudell, P. Massey, A. Klassen, J. Purtle, E. Yom-Tov (2020) ``If I Was to Post Something, It Would Be Too Vulnerable:" University Students and Mental Health Disclosures on Instagram" Journal of American College Health: 1-10

N. Levy, A. Rubin, E. Yom-Tov (2020) ``Modeling infection methods of computer malware in the presence of vaccinations using epidemiological models: An analysis of real-world data" International Journal of Data Science and Analytics10:349-358

S. Sadeh-Sharvit, E.E. Fitzsimmons-Craft, C. Barr Taylor, E. Yom-Tov (2020) ``Predicting Eating Disorders from Internet Activity" International Journal of Eating Disorders: 53(9): 1526-1533

A. Aguilera, C.A. Figueroa, R. Hernandez-Ramos, U. Sarkar, A.G. Cemballi, L. Gomez-Pathak, J. Miramontes, P. Avila-Garcia, E. Yom-Tov, B. Chakraborty, X. Yan, J. Xu, A. Modiri, J. Aggarwal, J.J. Williams, C.R. Lyles (2020) ``An mHealth app using machine learning to increase physical activity in diabetes and depression: Clinical trial protocol for the DIAMANTE Study" BMJ Open: 10:e034723

I. Hochberg, S. Orshalimy, E. Yom-Tov (2020) ``Real-world evidence on the effect of missing a dose of oral contraceptive: An examination of internet search engine queries" Journal of Medical Internet Research: 22(9):e20632

E. Yom-Tov, Y. Cherlow (2020) ``Ethical challenges and opportunities associated with the ability to perform medical screening from interactions with search engines" Journal of Medical Internet Research: 22(9):e21922

N.C. Jacobson, E. Yom-Tov, D. Lekkas, M. Heinz, L. Liu, P.J. Barr (2020) ``Impact of Online Mental Health Screening Tools on Help-Seeking, Care Receipt, and Suicidal Ideation and Suicidal Intent: Evidence from Internet Search Behavior in a Large U.S. Cohort" Journal of Psychiatric Research: 145: 276-283

Y. Hswen, J.S. Brownstein, X. Xu, E. Yom-Tov (2020) ``Early detection of Covid-19 in China and the United States: Summary of the implementation of a digital decision-support and disease surveillance tool" BMJ Open: 10:e041004


E. Yom-Tov (2019) "Demographic differences in search engine use with implications for cohort selection" Information Retrieval Journal 22(6), 570-580

Q. Cheng, E. Yom-Tov (2019) "Do helpline notices help prevent suicide? An analysis of archival data" Journal of Medical Internet Research 21(3): e12235

G. Nitzburg, I. Weber, E. Yom-Tov (2019) "Internet Searches for Medical Symptoms Preceding the Seeking of Twelve-Step Addiction Treatment Information: A Web Search Log Analysis" Journal of Medical Internet Research 21(5):e10946

E. Yom-Tov, B. Lebwohl (2019) "Symptoms Prompting Interest in Celiac Disease and the Gluten-Free Diet: Analysis of Internet Search Term Data" Journal of Medical Internet Research 21(4):e13082

A. Budenz, P. Massey, A. Leader, E. Yom-Tov, A. Klassen, K. Fisher (2019) "HPV Vaccine, Twitter, and Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men who Have Sex with Men" Health Promotion International 35(2): 290-300

M. Krupenkin, D. Rothschild, S. Hill, E. Yom-Tov (2019) "President Trump Stress Disorder: Partisanship, Ethnicity, and Expressive Reporting of Mental Distress After the 2016 Election" SAGE Open 9(1)

I. Hochberg, D. Daoud, N. Shehadeh, E. Yom-Tov (2019) "Can internet search engine queries be used to diagnose diabetes?: Analysis of archival search data" Acta Diabetologica 56: 1149–1154

NS Hodgson, E. Yom-Tov, WF Strong, PL Flores, GN Ricoy (2019) "Concerns of female adolescents about menarche and first sexual intercourse: A mixed method analysis of social media questions" JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting 2(1): e13158

B. Youngmann, L. Allerhand, O. Paltiel, E. Yom-Tov, D. Arkadir (2019) ``A machine-learning algorithm successfully screens for Parkinson's in web users" Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology 6(12): 2503–2509

A. Budenz, A. Klassen, J. Purtle, E. Yom Tov, M. Yudell, P. Massey (2019) ``Mental illness and bipolar disorder on Twitter: Implications for stigma and social support" Journal of Mental Health 29(2): 191-199

E. Yom-Tov, B. Lebwohl (2019) ``Adverse Events Associated with Colonoscopy; an Examination of Online Concerns" BMC Gastroenterology: 19(207)

R.S. Gold, M.E. Auld, L.C. Abroms, J. Smyser, E. Yom-Tov, J.P. Allegrante (2019) ``Digital Health Communication Common Agenda 2.0: An Updated Consensus for the Public and Private Sectors to Advance Public Health" Health Education & Behavior: 46 (2)


N. Levy, M. Iv, E. Yom-Tov (2018) "Modeling influenza-like illnesses through composite compartmental models" Physica A 494: 288-293.

E. Giat, E. Yom-Tov (2018) "Evidence from web-based dietary search patterns to the role of B12 deficiency in non-specific chronic pain" Journal of Medical Internet Research 20(1): e4

J. Dong, E. Yom-Tov, G. Yom-Tov (2018) "The Impact of Delay Announcements on Hospital Network Coordination and Waiting Times" Management Science 65(5): 1949-2443

A. Ben-Sasson, D.L. Robins, E. Yom-Tov (2018) "Risk Assessment for Parents Who Suspect Their Child Has Autism Spectrum Disorder: Machine Learning Approach" Journal of Medical Internet Research 20(4): e134

E. Yom-Tov, A. Brunstein-Klomek, O. Mandel, A. Hadas, S. Fennig (2018) "Inducing Behavioral Change in Seekers of Pro-Anorexia Content, Using Internet Advertisements" JMIR Mental Health 5(1): e6

E. Oren, J. Frere, E. Yom-Tov, E. Yom-Tov (2018) "Respiratory Syncytial Virus tracking using Internet Search Engine Data" BMC Public Health 18(1):455

P.M. Massey, A. Budenz, A. Leader, K. Fisher, A.C. Klassen, E. Yom-Tov (2018) "What drives health professionals to tweet about #HPVvaccine? Identifying strategies for effective communication" Preventing Chronic Disease: 15: E26

E. Yom-Tov, J. Shembekar, S. Barclay, P. Muennig (2018) "The effectiveness of public health advertisements to promote health: a randomized-controlled trial on 794,000 participants" Nature Digital Medicine 24(1)

A. Budenz, J. Purtle, A. Klassen, E. Yom-Tov, M. Yudell, P. Massey (2018) "The case of mass shootings and violence-related mental illness stigma on Twitter" Stigma and Health 4(4): 411-420

N. Adler, C. Cattuto, K. Kalimeri, D. Paolotti, M. Tizzoni, S. Verhulst, E. Yom-Tov, A. Young (2018) "Beyond demographics: How search engine data can enhance the understanding of determinants of suicide in India and inform prevention" Journal of Medical Internet Research 21(1): e10179


E. Yom-Tov, Y. Yom-Tov, S. Yom-Tov, M. Andersen, D. Rosenfeld, A. Devasthale, E. Geffen (2017) "The complex effects of geography, ambient temperature, and North Atlantic Oscillation on the body size of Arctic hares in Greenland" Biological Journal of the Linnean Society: 120:909–918

E. Yom-Tov, W.F. Strong, L. Rodriguez Strong (2017) "Hispanic Reliance on Complementary and Alternative Medicine as Demonstrated Through Internet Searches" Health Behavior and Policy Review 4(5): 503-510

S. Rosenblum, E. Yom-Tov (2017) "Seeking Web-Based Information about Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD): Where, What and When" Journal of Medical Internet Research 19(4): e126

S. Colilla, E. Yom-Tov, L. Zhang, M-L. Kurzinger, S. Tcherny-Lessenot, C. Penfornis, S. Jen, D.S. Gonzalez, P. Caubel, S. Welsh, J. Juhaeri (2017) "Validation of New Signal Detection Methods for Web Query Log Data" Drug Safety: 40(5):399-408

S. Moldovan, E. Muller, Y. Richter, E. Yom-Tov (2017) "Opinion Leadership in Small Groups" International Journal of Research in Marketing 34(2): 536-552

L. Levontin, E. Yom-Tov (2017) "Negative self-disclosure on the web: The role of guilt relief" Frontiers in Psychology 8: 1068

A. Baumel, E. Yom-Tov (2017) "Predicting user adherence to behavioral eHealth interventions in the real world: Examining which aspects of intervention design matter most" Translational Behavioral Medicine

E. Yom-Tov (2017) "Predicting Drug Recalls from Internet Search Engine Queries" IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine 5(1): 1-6

E. Yom-Tov, S. Lev-Ran (2017) "Adverse reactions associated with cannabis consumption as evident from search engine queries" JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 3(4): e77

M. Wagner, B. Lampos, E. Yom-Tov, R. Pebody, I. J. Cox (2017) "Estimating the Population Impact of a New Pediatric Influenza Vaccination Program in England Using Social Media Content" Journal of Medical Internet Research 19(12):e416

E. Yom-Tov, G. Feraru, M. Kozdoba, S. Mannor, M. Tennenholtz, I. Hochberg (2017) "Encouraging Physical Activity in Patients With Diabetes: Intervention Using a Reinforcement Learning System" Journal of Medical Internet Research 19(10): e338


P.M. Massey, A. Leader, E. Yom-Tov, A. Budenz, K. Fisher, A.C. Klassen (2016) "Applying Multiple Data Collection Tools to Quantify HPV Vaccine Sentiment on Twitter" Journal of Medical Internet Research: 18(12):e318

A. Ben-Sasson, E. Yom-Tov (2016) "Online Concerns of Parents Suspecting Autism Spectrum Disorder in Their Child: Content Analysis of Signs and Automated Prediction of Risk" Journal of Medical Internet Research: 18(11):e300.

E. Yom-Tov, P. Muennig, A. El-Sayed (2016) "A randomized controlled trial targeting online anti-smoking advertising to promote smoking cessation" Journal of Medical Internet Research 18(11):e306

E. Yom-Tov, B. Marino, J. Pai, D. Harris, M. Wolf (2016) "The effect of limited health literacy on how Internet users learn about diabetes" Journal of Health Communication: 1107-1114

E. Yom-Tov, A. Brunstein-Klomek, A. Hadas, O. Tamir, S. Fennig (2016) "Differences in physical status, mental state and online behavior of people in pro-anorexia web communities" Eating Behaviors 22: 109-112

Y. Yom-Tov, P. Hersteinsson, E. Yom-Tov, E. Geffen (2016) "Harsh climate selects for small body size among Iceland’s Arctic foxes" Ecography 40(3):376-383

I. Hochberg, G. Feraru, M. Kozdoba, S. Mannor, M. Tennenholtz, E. Yom-Tov (2016) "Encouraging Physical Activity in Diabetes Patients Through Automatic Personalized Feedback Via Reinforcement Learning Improves Glycemic Control" Diabetes Care 39(4): e59-e60


E. Yom-Tov, D. Borsa, A.C. Hayward, R.A. McKendry, I.J. Cox (2015) "Automatic identification of online risk markers for health events" Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) 17(1): e29. Runner-up in the Lloyd’s Science of Risk Prize in the category of Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning

E. Yom-Tov, I. Johansson-Cox, V. Lampos, A.C. Hayward (2015) "Estimating the Secondary Attack Rate and Serial Interval of Influenza-like Illnesses using Social Media" Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses 9(4): 191-199

L. Soldaini, A. Yates, E. Yom-Tov, O. Frieder, N. Goharian (2015) "Enhancing Web Search in the Medical Domain via Query Clarification" Information Retrieval Journal 19(1): 149-173

V. Lampos, E. Yom-Tov, R. Pebody, I. Johansson-Cox (2015) "Assessing the Impact of a Health Intervention via User-generated Internet Content" Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 29(5): 1434-1457


E. Yom-Tov, R. W. White, E. Horvitz (2014) "Seeking Insights About Cycling Mood Disorders via Anonymized Search Logs" Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) 16(2): e65

E. Yom-Tov, D. Borsa, I. Cox, A. Johnson, R. MacKendry (2014) "Detecting disease outbreaks in mass gatherings using Internet data" Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) 16(6):e154

D. Baras, A. Ronen, E. Yom-Tov (2014) "The Effect of Social Affinity and Predictive Horizon on Churn Prediction Using Diffusion Modeling" Social Network Analysis and Mining 4(1): 1-12

E. Yom-Tov, d. boyd (2014) "On the link between media coverage of anorexia and pro-anorexic practices on the web" International Journal of Eating Disorders 47(2): 196-202


R.W. White, E. Yom-Tov, E. Horvitz, E. Agichtein, W. R. Hersh (2013) "Report on the SIGIR 2013 workshop on health search and discovery" SIGIR Forum 47(2): 101-108

K. Dyagilev, E. Yom-Tov (2013) "Linguistic factors associated with propagation of political opinions in Twitter" Social Science Computing Review 32(2): 195-204

E. Yom-Tov, S. Dumais, Q. Guo (2013) "Promoting civil discourse through search engine diversity" Social Science Computing Review 32(2): 145-154

M. Kuebler, E. Yom-Tov, R. Puhl, D. Pelleg, P. Muenning (2013) "When Overweight is the Normal Weight: An Examination of Obesity Using a Social Media Internet Database" Public Library of Science (PLoS) One 8(9): e73479

E. Yom-Tov, E. Gabrilovich (2013) "Post-market drug surveillance sans trial costs: Discovery of adverse drug reactions via large-scale analysis of Web search queries" Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) 15(6): e124.

K. Dyagilev, S. Mannor, E. Yom-Tov (2013) "On Information Propagation in Mobile Call Networks" Social Network Analysis and Mining: 3(3): 521-541


E. Yom-Tov, F. Diaz (2012) "The Effect of Social and Physical Detachment on Information Need" ACM Transactions on Information Systems 31(1): 4:1-4:19

E. Yom-Tov, L. Fernandez-Luque, I. Weber, S.P. Crain (2012) "Pro-anorexia and pro-recovery photo sharing: A tale of two warring tribes" Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) 14(6): e151.

Y. Ofran, O. Paltiel, D. Pelleg, J.M. Rowe, E. Yom-Tov (2012) "Patterns of information-seeking for cancer on the Internet: an analysis of real world data" Public Library of Science (PLoS) One 7(9): e45921.


H. Roitman, D. Carmel, E. Yom-Tov (2011) "On the Relationship Between Novelty and Popularity of User-Generated Content" ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology3(4): 69

G. Fursin, Y. Kashnikov, A. Memon, Z. Chamski, O. Temam, M. Namolaru, E. Yom-Tov, B. Mendelson, A. Zaks, E. Courtois, F. Bodin, P. Barnard, E. Ashton, E. Bonilla, J. Thomson, C.K.I. Williams, M. O. Boyle (2011) "Milepost GCC: Machine Learning Enabled Self-tuning Compiler" International Journal of Parallel Programming 39(3): 296-327


Y. Ben-Haim, E. Yom-Tov (2010) "A Streaming Parallel Decision Tree Algorithm" Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) 11: 849-872.

Y. Yom-Tov, Y. Yom-Tov, E. Yom-Tov (2010) "Does the physical environment influence political corruption?" Journal of Irreproducible Results 51(2): 11-15


S. Copty, S. Fine, S. Ur, E. Yom-Tov, A. Ziv (2008) "A Probabilistic Alternative to Regression Suites" Theoretical Computer Science 404(3): 219-234.

R. El-Yaniv, D. Pechyony, E. Yom-Tov (2008) "Better Multiclass Classification via a Margin-Optimized Single Binary Problem" Pattern Recognition Letters 29(14): 1954-1959.

Y. Yom-Tov, S. Yom-Tov, D. MacDonald, E. Yom-Tov (2007) "Population cycles and changes in body size of the lynx in Alaska" Oecologia 152(2): 239-244.

I. Makienko, E. Yom-Tov, and G.F. Inbar (2005) "On the effects of adaptation to changing loads on movement-related potentials" Biological Cybernetics 93(3): 171-177.

H. Serbi, E. Yom-Tov, and G.F. Inbar (2005) "An improved P300-based brain-computer interface". IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 13(1): 89-98. Recipient of the TNSRE Best Paper Award 2010

Prior to 2005

E. Yom-Tov, G.F. Inbar (2003) "On the detection of Movement-Related Potentials from on-going EEG for use in a Brain-Computer Interface". Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 41(1): 85-93.

D. Peleg, E. Braiman, E. Yom-Tov, G.F. Inbar (2002) "Classification of finger activation for use in a robotic prosthesis arm". IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 10(4): 290-293.

E. Yom-Tov, A. Grossman, G.F. Inbar (2001) "Movement-related potentials during the performance of a motor task 2: Cerebral areas activated during learning of the task". Biological Cybernetics 85(5): 387-394.

E. Yom-Tov, A. Grossman, G.F. Inbar (2001) "Movement-related potentials during the performance of a motor task 1: The effect of learning and force on the movement-related potentials". Biological Cybernetics 85(5): 395-399.

E.Yom-Tov, G.F. Inbar (2001) "Feature Selection for the Classification of Movements from Single Movement-Related Potentials". IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 10(3): 170-177.

E. Yom-Tov, G.F. Inbar (2000) "Movement-related potentials in the human spinal cord preceding toe movement". Clinical Neurophysiology 111(2): 350-361.

E. Yom-Tov, S. Yom-Tov, and H. Ur (1999) "A model of induced coupled movements in the human body - a case study". Biological Cybernetics 80(6): 411-416.

Conference articles




V. Fionda, O. Hartig, R. Abdolazimi, S. Amer-Yahia, H. Chen, X. Chen, P. Cui, J. Dalton, X.L. Dong, L. Espin-Noboa, W. Fan, M. Fritz, Q. Gan, J. Gao, X. Guo, T. Hahmann, J. Han, S. Han, E. Hruschka, L. Hu, J. Huang, U. Jaimini, O. Jeunen, Y. Jiang, F. Karimi, G. Karypis, K. Kenthapadi, H. Lakkaraju, H.W. Lauw, T. Le, T-H Le, D. Lee, G. Lee, L. Levontin, C-T Li, H. Li, Y. Li, J.C. Liao, Q. Liu, U. Lokala, B. London, S. Long, H.K. McGinty, Y. Meng, S. Moon, U. Naseem, P. Natarajan, B. Omidvar-Tehrani, Z. Pan, D. Parekh, J. Pei, T. Peixoto, S. Pemberton, J. Poon, F. Radlinski, F. Rossetto, K. Roy, A. Salah, M. Sameki, A. Sheth, C. Shimizu, K. Shin, D. Song, J. Stoyanovich, D. Tao, J. Trippas, Q. Truong, Y-C. Tsai, A. Uchendu, B. Van Den Akker, L. Wang, M. Wang, S. Wang, X. Wang, I. Weber, H. Weld, L. Wu, D. Wu, E.Y. Xu, S. Xu, B. Yang, K. Yang, E. Yom-Tov, J. Yoo, Z. Yu, R. Zafarani, H. Zamani, M. Zehlike, Q. Zhang, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhang, L. Zhao, X. Zhao, W. Zhu (2023) ``Tutorials at The Web Conference 2023" Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023 (WWW '23 Companion: ), Austin TX, USA. pp.: 648–658


O. Ovadia, O. Elisha, E. Yom-Tov (2022) ``Detection of Infectious Disease Outbreaks in Search Engine Time Series Using Non-Specific Syndromic Surveillance with Effect-Size Filtering", WWW '22: Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2022 , Virtual. pp. 924-929

Z. Sender, L. Levontin, E. Yom-Tov (2022) ``The role of consumers' web browsing data in assessing their personal values", Accepted to the Association for Consumer Research Conference


L. Lewin-Eytan, D. Carmel, E. Yom-Tov, E. Agichtein, E. Gabrilovich (2021) ``WSDM '21, The Fourteenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining", Proceedings of the conference, Israel

B. Kaveladze, G. Kaveladze, E. Yom-Tov, S. Schueller (2021) ``Building a Tool that Draws from the Collective Wisdom of the Internet to Help Users Respond Effectively to Anxiety-Related Questions", In: Lewy, H., Barkan, R. (eds) Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PH 2021) Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering: 431


B. Youngmann, E. Yom-Tov, R. Gilad-Bachrach, D. Karmon (2020) ``The Automated Copywriter: Algorithmic Rephrasing of Health-Related Advertisements to Improve their Performance" WWW '20: Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020, Taipei, Taiwan. pp. 1366-1377

G. Gefen, O. Ben-Porat, M. Tennenholtz, E. Yom-Tov ``Privacy, Altruism, and Experience: Estimating the Perceived Value of Internet Data for medical uses" Innovation in Data Science workshop. WWW '20: Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2020, Taipei, Taiwan. pp. 552-556

S. Sabato, E. Yom-Tov (2020) ``Bounding the fairness and accuracy of classifiers from population statistics" Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2020), Vienna, Austria

O. Ashkenazi, E. Yom-Tov, L. Vardi David (2020) ``Generating medical screening questionnaires through analysis of social media data" Accepted to the ACM SIGIR International Workshop on Explainable Recommendation and Search, Xian, China


E. Yom-Tov, S. Sadeh-Sharvit, E.E. Fitzsimmons-Craft, C.B. Taylor (2019) ``Predicting Eating Disorders and Risk Status from Internet Activity" Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society, Chicago, Illinois.


B. Youngmann, E. Yom-Tov (2018) "Anxiety and Information Seeking: Evidence From Large-Scale Mouse Tracking" Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW 2018), Lyon, France. pp. 753-762

N. Rosenfeld, Y. Mansour, E. Yom-Tov (2018) "Discriminative Learning of Prediction Intervals" Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2018), Lanzarote, Spain. pp. 347-355

R. Apel, E. Yom-Tov, M. Tennenholtz (2018) "Characterizing efficient referrals in social networks" Companion Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW 2018)Lyon, France. pp. 23-24

L. Allerhand, B. Youngmann, E. Yom-Tov, D. Arkadir (2018) "Detecting Parkinson's Disease from interactions with a search engine: Is expert knowledge sufficient?" Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2018) Turin, Italy. pp. 1539-1542


L. Soldaini, E. Yom-Tov (2017) "Inferring Individual Attributes from Search Engine Queries and Auxiliary Information" Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW 2017), Perth, Australia. pp. 293-301.

N. Rosenfeld, Y. Mansour, E. Yom-Tov (2017) "Predicting Counterfactuals from Large Historical Data and Small Randomized Trials" Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion , Perth, Australia. pp. 602-609

E. Yom-Tov, S.H. Fisher (2017) "The Werther Effect revisited: Measuring the effect of news items on user behavior" Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion (TempWeb WWW 2017), Perth, Australia. pp. 1561-1566

P. Massey, A. Budenz, A. Leader, K. Fisher, A. Klassen, E. Yom-Tov (2017) "Let's Talk About HPV: A Focus on Gender- and MSM-Specific Twitter Communication" Abstract presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting 2017

P. Massey, A. Budenz, A. Leader, K. Fisher, A. Klassen, E. Yom-Tov (2017) "What health professionals and parents are saying about the HPV vaccine on Twitter" Abstract presented at the International Conference on Communication in Healthcare and Health Literacy Annual Research Conference 2017


A. Hallak, E. Yom-Tov, Y. Mansour (2016) "Automatic representation for life-time value recommender systems" Presented at the 13th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2016)

A. Ben-Sasson, D. Pelleg, E. Yom-Tov (2016) "The quality of online answers to parents who suspect that their child has an Autism Spectrum Disorder" Proceedings of the International AAAI conference on web and social media (ICWSM), pp. 543-546. Cologne, Germany.

R. Ronen, E. Yom-Tov, G. Lavee (2016) "Recommendations Meet Web Browsing: Enhancing Collaborative Filtering using Internet Browsing Logs" Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), pp. 1230-1238

L. Fernandez-Luque, I. Weber, F. Martin-Sanchez, E. Yom-Tov, C. Petersen (2015) "Social Media Research in the Health Domain" American Medical Informatics Association Annual Meeting (AMIA 2016), Chicago, IL, USA.


H. Neuvirth, Y. Finkelstein, A. Hilbuch, S. Nahum, D. Alon, E. Yom-Tov (2015) "Early Detection of Fraud Storms in the Cloud" Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (proceedings of ECML-PKDD 2015), pp. 53-67. Springer International Publishing, 2015.

M. Harel, E. Yom-Tov (2015) "Modularity-based query clustering for identifying users sharing a common condition" Proceedings of the 38th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2015) , Santiago, Chile, pp. 819-822

J. Dong, G. Yom-Tov, E. Yom-Tov (2015) "The Impact of Delay Announcements on Hospital Network Coordination and Waiting Times" Manufacturing and service operations management (MSOM) conference

S. Dori-Hacohen, E. Yom-Tov, J. Allan (2015) "Navigating controversy as a complex search task" Proceedings of the ECIR 2015 workshop on Supporting Complex Search Tasks

E. Yom-Tov (2015) "Ebola data from the Internet: An opportunity for syndromic surveillance or a news event?"ACM Digital Health (DH) conference: 115-119

E. Yom-Tov, I. J. Cox, V. Lampos (2015) "Learning About Health and Medicine from Internet Data" Proceedings of the Eighth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2015), Shanghai, China. pp.: 417-418.


E. Yom-Tov, L. Fernandez-Luque (2014) "Information is in the eye of the beholder: Seeking information on the MMR vaccine through an Internet search engine" Proceedings of the Annual American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium pp. 1238-1247 Short-listed for the Distinguished Paper Award


E. Yom-Tov, M. Lalmas, R. Baeza-Yates, G. Dupret, J. Lehmann, P. Donmez (2013) "Measuring Inter-Site Engagement" Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData 2013), Santa Clara, USA, pp. 228-236

I. Cox, E. Yom-Tov, D. Borsa, A. Johnson, R.A. McKendry (2013) "Detection of Disease Outbreaks in Mass Gatherings Using Internet Data" Presented at Medicine 2.0, London, UK.

M. Lalmas, H. O'Brien, E. Yom-Tov (2013) "Measuring user engagement" Proceedings of the 22nd Internetional World Wide Web conference (WWW 2013), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


Q. Guo, F. Diaz, E. Yom-Tov (2012) "Updating users about time critical news events" Advances in Information Retrieval: Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2012), Moscow, Russia. pp. 483-494

D. Pelleg, E. Yom-Tov, Y. Maarek (2012) "Can you believe an anonymous contributor? On truthfulness in Yahoo! Answers" Proceedings of the ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom 2012), Amsterdam, The Netherlands. pp. 411-420

J. Lehmann, M. Lalmas, E. Yom-Tov, G. Dupret (2012) "Models of user engagement" Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on User Modelling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP 2012), Montreal, Canada. pp. 164-175

E. Yom-Tov, M. Lalmas, G. Dupret, R. Baeza-Yates, P. Donmez, J. Lehmann (2012) "The effect of links on networked user engagement" Proceedings of the 2012 World Wide Web conference (WWW 2012), Lyon, France. pp. 641-642


E. Yom-Tov, F. Diaz (2011) "Location and timeliness of information sources during news events" Proceedings of the 34th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2011), Beijing, China. pp. 1105-1106

E. Yom-Tov, F. Diaz (2011) "Out of sight, not out of mind: On the effect of social and physical detachment on information need" Proceedings of the 34th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2011), Beijing, China. pp. 385-394 Recipient of an Honourable Mention Award

N. Slonim, K. Crammer, E. Yom-Tov (2011) "Active online classification via information maximization" Proceedings of the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Barcelona, Spain. pp. 1498-1504


D. Carmel, H. Roitman, E. Yom-Tov (2010) "On the Relationship Between Novelty and Popularity of User-Generated Content" Proceedings of the 2010 Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Toronto, Canada. pp. 1509-1512

S. Moldovan, E. Muller, Y. Richter, E. Yom-Tov (2010) "Opinion Leadership in Small Groups" 2nd Workshop on Information in Networks (WIN), New York University, New York, USA

K. Dyagilev, E. Yom-Tov, S. Mannor (2010) "Generative Models for Rapid Information Propagation" Presented at the SIGKDD Workshop on Social Media Analytics (SOMA 2010), Washington, DC

Y. Richter, E. Yom-Tov, N. Slonim (2010) "Predicting customer churn in mobile networks through analysis of social groups" Proceedings of the 2010 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM 2010), Columbus, OH.

D. Carmel, E. Yom-Tov (2010) "Estimating the query difficulty for information retrieval" Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2010), Geneva, Switzerland. pp.: 911.


E. Yom-Tov, D. Carmel, H. Roitman (2009) "Who Tags the Tags? A Framework for Social Bookmarking" Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Hong-Kong, China. pp. 1577-1580

E. Yom-Tov, N. Slonim (2009) "Parallel Pairwise Clustering" Proceedings of the SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM09) , Reno, NV. pp. 745-755

G. Fursin, C. Miranda, O. Temam, M. Namolaru, E. Yom-Tov, A. Zaks, B. Mendelson, E. Bonilla, J. Thomson, H. Leather, C. Williams, M. O'Boyle, P. Barnard, E. Ashton, E. Courtois, F, Bodin (2008) "MILEPOST GCC: machine learning based research compiler" Proceedings of the GCC Developers' Summit, Ottawa, Canada

D. Bickson, E. Yom-Tov, D. Dolev (2008) "A Gaussian Belief Propagation Solver for Large Scale Support Vector Machines" Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS 2008)

E. Yom-Tov, R. Tzoref, S. Ur, S. Hoory (2008) "Automatic debugging of concurrent programs through active sampling of low dimensional random projections" Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2008) , L'Aquila, Italy. pp. 307-316

H. Roitman, D. Carmel, E. Yom-Tov (2008) "Maintaining Dynamic Channel Profiles on the Web" The 34th Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2008) , Auckland, New-Zealand. pp. 151-162

D. Carmel, E. Yom-Tov, H. Roitman (2008) "Enhancing Digital Libraries Using Missing Content Analysis" The 2008 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2008) , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. pp. 1-10

H. Leather, E. Yom-Tov, M. Namolaru, A. Freund (2008) "Automatic Feature Generation for Setting Compilers Heuristics" 2nd Workshop on Statistical and Machine learning approaches to ARchitectures and compilaTion (SMART'08)"

E. Amitay, S. Yogev, E. Yom-Tov (2007) "Serial Sharers: Detecting Split Identities of Web Authors" SIGIR Workshop on Plagiarism Analysis, Authorship Identification, and Near-Duplicate Detection (PAN 2007)

E. Yom-Tov, Y. Aridor (2007) "A self-optimized job scheduler for heterogeneous server clusters" 13th Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing (JSSPP 2007) (Also in LNCS 4942)

R. Tzoref, S. Ur, E. Yom-Tov (2007) "Instrumenting Where it Hurts - An Automatic Concurrent Debugging Technique" Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Software testing and analysis (ISSTA 2007), London, UK. pp. 27-38.

E. Yom-Tov, Y. Xu, M. Rosen-Zvi, J. Wong (2007) "A Novel Classification Technique Using Compression-based Similarity with Application to Residual Gas Analysis Data" 8th European AEC/APC Conference

S. Sabato, E. Yom-Tov, A. Tsherniak, S. Rosset (2007) "Analyzing System Logs: A New View of What's Important", Second Workshop on Tackling Computer Systems Problems with Machine Learning Techniques (SysML07)

S. Ur, E. Yom-Tov, P. Wernick (2006) "An Open Source Simulation Model of Software Testing", Haifa Verification Conference, 2006

E. Yom-Tov, D. Carmel, A. Darlow, D. Pelleg (2006) "What makes a query difficult?", 29th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2006), Seattle, Washington. pp. 390-397

E. Yom-Tov, Y. Aridor (2006) "Improving Resource Matching Through Estimation of Actual Job Requirements", 15th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC 2006)

E. Yom-Tov (2005) "A parallel training algorithm for large scale support vector machines" Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) Workshop on Large Scale Kernel Machines 2005, Whistler, Canada

E. Yom-Tov, D. Carmel, A. Darlow, D. Pelleg, S. Errera-Yaakov, S. Fine (2005) "Juru at TREC 2005: Query Prediction in the Terabyte and the Robust tracks" Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) 2005

E. Yom-Tov and G. F. Inbar (2005) "Evidence for a decision making process at the cortical level during adaptation to changing environments" Computational Motor Control Workshop 2005, Ben Guryon University (Paper, Poster)

S. Copty, S. Ur, E. Yom-Tov (2005) "Evaluating the Reverse Greedy Algorithm", Fifth Haifa Workshop on Interdisciplinary Applications of Graph Theory, Combinatorics and Algorithms"

E. Yom-Tov, S. Fine, D. Carmel, A. Darlow (2005) "Learning to Estimate Query Difficulty with Applications to Missing Content Detection and Distributed Information Retrieval", 28th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2005), Salvador, Brazil. pp. 512-219. Recipient of the Best Paper Award

Prior to 2005

E. Yom-Tov, S. Fine, D. Carmel, A. Darlow, E. Amitay (2004) "Juru at TREC 2004: Experiments with prediction of query difficulty", Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) 2004

E. Yom-Tov and G.F. Inbar (2001) "Selection of Relevant Features for Classification of Movements from Single Movement-Related Potentials Using a Genetic Algorithm". 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society

E. Yom-Tov and G.F. Inbar (1999) "Movement-related potentials in the human spinal cord preceding toe movement". Fifth conference of the European Society for Engineering and Medicine


E. Yom-Tov (1999) "A keyboardless computer (In Hebrew)". Haaretz special edition on Hi-Tech, December 1999: 120-122.

E. Yom-Tov (2003) "Evidence for learning of force fields in EEG potentials related to movement" Control and Biological systems: The path to the robo-sapiens age - Israeli Association for Automatic Control

R. El-Yaniv, T. Kotek, D. Pechyony, E. Yom-Tov (2006) "On Multiclass Classification via a Single Binary Classifier" IBM Research Report H-0241

R. El-Yaniv, D. Pechyony, E. Yom-Tov (2006) "Superior Multi-Class Classification through a Margin-Optimized Single Binary Problem" IBM Research Report H-0243

E. Yom-Tov, Y. Aridor (2006) "Improving Resource Matching through Estimation of Actual Job Requirements" IBM Research Report H-0244

U. Aharoni, A. Ghoting, E. Pednault, D. Pelleg, H. Toledano, R. Natarajan, E. Yom-Tov (2006) "IBM Parallel Machine Learning Toolbox", Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) Demonstration

E. Yom-Tov, M. Rosen-Zvi, Y. Xu, J. Wong (2006) "Towards root-cause analysis in compression-based similarity" NIPS 2006 Workshop on Revealing Hidden Elements of Dynamical Systems

E. Yom-Tov, U. Aharoni, A. Ghoting, E. Pednault, D. Pelleg, H. Toledano, R. Natarajan (2007) "An introduction to the IBM Parallel Machine Learning Toolbox" IBM developerWorks

H. Toledano, E. Yom-Tov, D. Pelleg, E. Pednault, R. Natarajan (2008) "Support Vector Machine Solvers: Large-scale, Accurate, and Fast (Pick Any Two)" IBM Research Report H-0260

D. Baras, A. Ronen, E. Yom-Tov (2012) "The Effect of Social Affinity and Predictive Horizon on Churn Prediction Using Diffusion Modeling" IBM Research Report H-0317

J. Lehmann, M. Lalmas, R. Baeza-Yates, E. Yom-Tov (2013) "Networked User Engagement" ACM CIKM Workshop on User Engagement, San Francisco, USA

D. Pelleg, E. Yom-Tov, E. Gabrilovich (2015) "On the Effect of Human-Computer Interfaces on Language Expression" Arxiv 1505.00092


R. Ronen, M. Radu, C. Feuerstien, E. Yom-Tov, M. Ahmadi (2018) "Microsoft Malware Classification Challenge" ArXiv 1802.10135

E. Yom-Tov (2018) "Clinically verified pre-screening for cancer using web search queries: Initial results" ArXiv 1802.09352


E. Yom-Tov (2001) "Monitoring Vital Signs During Labor" Israeli patent number 143420.

E. Yom-Tov, S. Fine, D. Carmel, A. Darlow (2004) "Prediction of query difficulty for a generic search engine" U.S. patent number 7406462

S. Ur, E. Yom-Tov (2006) "List display with redundant text removal" U.S. patent number 7752208

E. Yom-Tov, S. Fine, D. Carmel, A. Darlow and D. Pelleg (2006) "Analyzing the Ability to Find Textual Content" U.S. patent 7792830

E. Amitai, S. Yogev, E. Yom-Tov (2007) "Method and system for detection of authors" U.S. patent number 7752208

A. Zlotnick, E. Yom-Tov, Z. Machulsky (2007) "Systems, method, and computer program product for evaluating a storage policy" U.S. patent 7899763

E. Yom-Tov, N. Slonim (2008) "Predicting novel associations amongst associated entities" U.S. patent 7647287

D. Carmel, H. Roitman, E. Yom-Tov (2008) "Method and System for Maintaining Profiles of Information Channels" U.S. patent 7970739

E. Yom-Tov, S. Fine, D. Carmel, A. Darlow (2004) "Merging of results in distributed information retrieval" U.S. patent 7984039

A. Adi, E. Yom-Tov (2008) "Generating complex event processing rules utilizing machine learning from multiple events" U.S. patent 8078556

E. Yom-Tov, Y. Richter (2009) "Detection of failures in a telecommunication system" U.S. patent 8213938

D. Carmel, H. Roitman, E. Yom-Tov (2009) "Method and system for using social bookmarks" U.S. patent 8266157

D. Carmel, N. Zwerdling, E. Yom-Tov (2008) "Content analysis simulator for improving site findability in information retrieval systems" U.S. patent 8285702

R. Tzoref, S. Ur, E. Yom-Tov (2013) "Device, System and Method of Debugging Computer Programs" U.S. patent 8356287

S. Sabato, A. Tsherniak, E. Yom-Tov (2007) "Apparatus for and Method of Implementing System Log Message Ranking via System Behavior Analysis" U.S. patent 8452761

Y.A. Katz, M. Rimon, E. Yom-Tov, A. Ziv (2014) "Automatic identification of information useful for generation-based functional verification" U.S. patent number 8683282

G. Gershinsky, L. Lewin-Eytan, Y. Richter, K. Shagin, E. Yom-Tov (2014) "Data reduction in a multi-node system" U.S. patent number 8781768

E. Yom-Tov, E.J. Horvitz, R.W. White, S. Counts, M. De Choudhury (2016) "User Behavior Monitoring On A Computerized Device" U.S. patent number 9427185

E. Yom-Tov, S. Fine, D. Carmel, A. Darlow, A.Z. Broder (2005) "Detection of missing content in a searchable repository" U.S. patent request 11/181324

E. Yom-Tov, B. Mizrachi and S. Ur (2005) "Identification of input sequences" U.S. patent request 11/210922

E. Yom-Tov, Y. Aridor, R.E. Harper (2005) "Method and system for scheduling of jobs" U.S. patent request 11/313395

E. Yom-Tov (2006) "Method and System for Interactively Navigating Search Results" U.S. patent request 11/532571

B. Mizrachi, E. Yom-Tov (2007) "Consistency Checking in Computer-Implemented Calendar Systems" U.S. patent request 11/669199

E. Yom-Tov, M. Rosen-Zvi, Y. Xu, J. Wong (2007) "Method and Computer Program Product for Wafer Manufacturing Process Abnormalities Detection" U.S. patent request 11/946064

N. Slonim, E. Yom-Tov (2008) "Method and System for Clustering Massive Graphs using Multiple Processing Nodes" \ U.S. patent request 12/060210

O. Margalit, S. Hoory, E. Yom-Tov (2008) "Efficient Expertise Extraction" U.S. patent request 12/062465

S. Ur, E. Yom-Tov (2008) "Providing Customized Medical Information" U.S. patent request 12/246598

E. Yom-Tov, Y. Richter (2009) "Statistical anaysis of data records for automatic determination of social reference groups" U.S. patent request 12/494314